Horticulture is the science and art of growing and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants and grasses to enhance our living environment and to diversify human diets
Horticulture is the science and art of growing and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants and grasses to enhance our living environment and to diversify human diets
Increase crop (plant synergy), including adding plants by sexual and asexual methods and study three different aspects:
1. Success in growing synergies, knowledge about the mechanisms,
environmental and chemical and technical skills with practical work
gained some experience.2. Success in growing synergies requires knowledge about the growth and morphology of the plant.3. Increase successful aspects plants, knowledge about different plants
and a variety of ways by which it can be said that some of the plants.
sexual or vegetative propagation of the plant depends on several
factors: ease of germination of seeds, the number of plants that must be
grown, and the importance of maintaining the special rootstock.Plant propagation first part(persian).downloadPlant propagation second part(persian) . download